Um cão no veterinário e um caracol numa folha com o sinal de aviso de venenoUm cão no veterinário e um caracol numa folha com o sinal de aviso de veneno

As the name suggests, snail/slug poison is used to keep slugs and snails out of the garden. As soon as they have ingested the poison, they are doomed to die.

Metaldehyde is used to control snails and slugs. However, this toxic substance is also dangerous for your pet. If he ingests it, it is also a life-threatening emergency for your dog. Snail poison takes effect many times faster than rat poison!

There is no antidote for this type of poison, which is why the treatment for this type of poisoning involves trying to quickly eliminate the compound from the body with serum, diuretics and control of the associated symptoms. Metaldehyde can take 24 to 48 hours to be eliminated through the urine, even when the measures mentioned above have been taken, and its effects can take even longer to disappear. Seizures are the most obvious sign and the most difficult to control. In most cases it is necessary to anesthetize the animal for two to four days to control them.

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The first symptoms appear just 30 to 60 minutes after eating the poison!

Metaldehyde is a neurotoxin that is obtained from sulphuric acid and is contained in slug pellets. Consumption leads to muscle cramps, tachycardia and ultimately death. The lethal dose of metaldehyde is between 0.2 g and 0.5 g per kilogram of body weight, depending on the breed. It also takes effect more quickly than rat poison. Furthermore, there are no specific symptoms that exclusively indicate this neurotoxin. Only a laboratory test can provide complete clarity. Metaldehyde is converted to acetaldehyde and then to acetic acid in your dog’s body. It does not have a deterrent effect on dogs because it tastes sweet to them. Although the slug pellets must be enriched with bitter substances, this is not always the case. However, this does not necessarily prevent your furry friend from eating the grains anyway.

How does the dog absorb the poison?

Most dogs that are poisoned with slug pellets eaten directly. Whether out of curiosity or for some other reason. This is especially true for puppies. Due to their low weight, they also have a greater risk of poisoning. 

But there are many more ways in which your pet can ingest the poison.

For example, if it has simply run through a bed or field and then licks its paws. He may eat a grain that has fallen between his toes or ingest grains that have already dissolved.

However, if your pet eats a snail that has died from the poisonous grain, the poison will also be transferred to him. Also make sure that your four-legged friend does not drink from any puddles when walking near agricultural fields. Due to the large amounts of pesticides applied here, this is also a potential route for poisoning.

What are the symptoms?

  • Vomiting (with blood) | poisonous granules can sometimes be found in the vomit
  • Irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes, salivation
  • Irregular heartbeat, palpitations
  • Falling body temperature
  • Rapid breathing and heavy panting
  • Restlessness and agitation
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle cramps and severe tremors
  • High fever
  • Coma
  • Unsteady gait, coordination disorders

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